The world of keywords dominates digital marketing. One cannot research enough about this topic to discover that there a many tools available in the market place. Here are a few listed from the book e-Markteting, The Essential Guide to Digital Marketing by Robert Stokes, 2018.


Google Search Console

Google provides guidelines to webmasters and tools to help ensure your website is being indexed.

Open Site Explorer

Moz provides a useful tool called Open Site Explorer, which can help you determine the value of links from particular sites.

Tools from SEOBook

SEObook provides a number of tools that assist any SEO. For example, Rank Checker is a Firefox extension that allows you to save a number of

 and to perform regular searches on them, giving you the ranking of your chosen URL for each

 in the search engines selected. They also have tools to help with


 discovery tools

There are a number of tools available, some free and some paid for, to assist with

 discovery. Some include:



Trellian’s KeywordDiscovery tool


Bing Ads Intelligence

SEO PowerSuite Rank Tracker (the trial version has limited functionality)

-Assistant .Com

Online forums

Webmaster World ( is frequented by SEOs and webmasters aiming to stay current with latest trends and search engine updates.

Google Merchant Center

The Google Merchant Center allows you to mark up any products you sell through

, ensuring that they also rank for relevant search results.


The Moz SEO toolbar ( gives instant metrics while viewing SERPs or web pages.

Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog ( allows you to crawl website URLs and analyse the onsite SEO.


AWR ( gives you access to rankings for desktop, mobile, and local searches.