This is a sample of a learning module built in WordPress using Quiz Maker:

Created on By lisamhaas08

Employment Law 101 - Hiring

Hiring employees requires conducting a proper interview. This is critical for deflecting litigation for failure to hire claims. Here are several components to incorporate into your hiring practices to remain compliant with Colorado employment law.

Advertising should use neutral terms for desired gender, age, religion, race, national origin or other protected classes. Advertising should also strive to attract minority candidates.

Interviews should use a written job description to focus on the essential functions of the job. Keep questions related to qualifications such as education, training, work experiences, prior job duties, interactions with former co-workers and prior disciplinary and performance history.

Interviews conducted should use the same questions for each candidate unless specifically related to their resume or application. Do not ask questions that may likely elicit answers related to age, gender, religion, national origin, disability, childbirth or pregnancy

Do not ask question about a candidates physical or mental condition.

Disabilities considerations and medical exams, work comp history, drug and alcohol screening questions should be restricted. (NEED TO FINISH WRITING)

Do not wing it.

Document the interview.

1 / 2

Advertising for potential new employees should:

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When interviewing candidates, an employer should use which of the following to stay focused on the essentials of the job?

Your score is

The average score is 50%
